Victoria Degeler Computer scientist specializing in smart systems creation

I am Victoria Degeler, an Assistant Professor at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I am a member of the Intelligent Data Engineering Lab, Complex-Cyber Infrastructures group and the Data Science Centre. My research is focused on reasoning and decision making systems for smart environments, activity recognition, digital twins, pervasive systems and context modeling and representation, with particular interest in sustainable applications such as energy and water management.

My career, always at the edge of both academia and industry, included academic positions at the National University of Ireland in Galway, Delft University of Technology and the University of Groningen; a research engineer position at Airbus, Newport (UK); and the Lead AI engineer position in Cupenya, Amsterdam, where I was leading the AI department. I am active in promoting AI approaches in the industry, participate in Training in AI for SMEs program, and, earlier, acted as an AI technical mentor for startups of the AI Accelerator program at Rockstart Startup Accelerator, Amsterdam.

I am a patent holder and produced a number of peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, including receiving best demonstration and best student paper awards. I also acted as a program committee member on a number of conferences, such as ECML-PKDD, CIKM, CISSS, SOCA, ICSOC. I serve regularly as a reviewer and monitor for projects under the Horizon Europe (and, earlier, Horizon 2020) research framework, and coordinates research projects herself. I received several research grants, from funding agencies such as EIT Manufacturing, EIT Climate, AMS.



[03.06.24] I am co-organizing the 1st Distributed Digital Twins (DiDiT) workshop, which will happen on June 17th in Groningen. The full program is now available.

[15.05.24] We have a new PhD position opening under my supervision: "PhD on Event-based Communication Algorithms for Knowledge Transfer with Distributed Digital Twins".

[21.12.23] Our systematic review of the usage of ontologies in digital twins is now available online in Future Generation Computer Systems. Check it out: doi:10.1016/j.future.2023.12.013.

[30.11.23] Our consortium of 7 research and industrial partners, has been awarded a grant for the project "Intelligent Wastewater Treatment: Distributed Digital Twin for Clean Water (DDTclean)". One PhD position for the Informatics Institute is funded by this project. Read the news on the NWO's website.

[15.10.22] Selected recent publications:

Yousefi, M.H.N., Degeler, V., Lazovik, A. (2023). Empowering Machine Learning Development with Service-Oriented Computing Principles. In: Service-Oriented Computing. SummerSOC 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1847. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-45728-9_2
M. Lotfian Delouee, B. Koldehofe, and V. Degeler. 2023. AQuA-CEP: Adaptive Quality-Aware Complex Event Processing in the Internet of Things. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 13–24. doi: 10.1145/3583678.3596884

[1.11.22] Here are our two recent publications to check out:

R. Riesebos, V. Degeler and A. Tello, "Smartphone-Based Real-Time Indoor Positioning Using BLE Beacons," 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022, pp. 1281-1288, doi: 10.1109/CASE49997.2022.9926639 [pdf]
Lotfian Delouee, M., Koldehofe, B., & Degeler, V. (Accepted/In press). Towards adaptive quality-aware Complex Event Processing in the Internet of Things. In The 18th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2022) IEEE. [pdf]

[1.07.22] Since July 1st I am working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam. I am a member of the Intelligent Data Engineering Lab, Complex Cyber Infrastructures group and the Data Science Centre.